Insignia Business Process Outsourcing

10 Years of Experience


The perspective of business owner.

Thanks to the unique combination of its investment banking experience along with its entrepreneurial experience in running businesses for its clients, Insignia has the ability to always approach its projects from a top-down perspective.

Through our experience in traditional investment banking, we know what ultimately creates value for a company, regardless of whether there is an intention to sell, always aiming to increase shareholder value, directing all efforts, relentlessly, to get the desired results.

Insignia Service Stack

Powerful combination of tools and Integral Services.
Management Control Committee, empowering the business owner

Management Control Committee, empowering the business owner

External Controller, managing the team

External Controller, managing the team

Sophisticated Business Intelligence that allows  managing the business based on data only

Sophisticated Business Intelligence that allows managing the business based on data only

Outsourced accounting with trained accountants, who  are constantly being trained

Outsourced accounting with trained accountants, who are constantly being trained

Design and implementation of a robust accounting  platform

Design and implementation of a robust accounting platform

We create value in your company

3 Specialized Tools

First level outsourced accounting, with trained accountants, who are constantly being trained through a document digitization and transaction capture system.
We positively impact the Company by giving them the tools to make a timely and informed decision.

Access to Information

Access to content that will keep you up-to-date on tax, financial, and business issues so you can make decisions instantly.

Technology and Automation

Access to the business intelligence platform at all times, without the need to request it 
from your accounting advisor.

Worldwide Platform

It allows you to manage your company's information and keep your accounting permanently updated.

Team with Experience

Due to our knowledge in corporate finance, we try to extract the greatest potential in each accounting record to provide the client with highly-impactful information.

We create value in your company


3 Specialized Tools

First level outsourced accounting, with trained accountants, who are constantly being trained through a document digitization and transaction capture system.
We positively impact the Company by giving them the tools to make a timely and informed decision.

Access to Information

Access to content that will keep you up-to-date on tax, financial, and business issues so you can make decisions instantly.

Technology and Automation

Access to the business intelligence platform at all times, without the need to request it 
from your accounting advisor.

Worldwide Platform

It allows you to manage your company's information and keep your accounting permanently updated.

Team with Experience

Due to our knowledge in corporate finance, we try to extract the greatest potential in each accounting record to provide the client with highly-impactful information.

Have generated value for more than 300 Companies

Given Insignia's experience in corporate finance, especially in the merger and acquisition of companies, we are able to identify the key points of the operation that allow maximizing value for Shareholders.

Outsourced Accounting

We have an accounting system that seeks to identify technological gaps to empower decision-making based on reliable information.

Work Methodology

We have an effective Work Methodology that potentiates and maximizes business accounting.

Understand and Measure

Our experience allows us to understand and measure what attributes are necessary to obtain accounting reports that provide us with the key information.

Orderly, Efficient and Proven

We carry out an orderly, efficient and proven process to keep the accounts of our clients.

Work Schedule

The know-how of our team and work schedule helps to increase the chances of success and reduces execution time.

Accounting System

We have an accounting system that seeks to identify technological gaps to empower decision making.

Tax and Financial Reports

We seasonably present the Monthly and Annual Financial Report with all tax requirements.


SAP Business One rental service in  the cloud through the Boyala Cloud Services subsidiary, whose main pillar is low-cost design and implementation of a first-world accounting tool, allowing a company to quickly evolve towards an accounting platform in a very efficient way.

Single Integrated System

SAP Business One manages to control the entire operation of companies.The process already established allow us to have all the accounting/fiscal information necessary to reduce working time. The accounting record is of eminent importance since each record captures a large amount of information that is key to decision making.


We accelerate the digital transformation to improve quality, efficiency and make timely decisions that increase the value of our customers. Insignia implements a sophisticated Business Intelligence System that allows it to manage the company based on data.

Insignia BI

It provides valuable information so that decisions can be made on the move, in a timely manner and anticipating the competition.
It allows companies to model reports and data dashboards aimed at obtaining the most relevant data, thus allowing to maintain the absolute focus on creating long-term value.
Insignia elaborates and coordinates the programming, implementation and development of data dashboards containing the different Key Performance Indicators by functional area.
It allows you to immediately know the status of the company, in real time, generating periodic reports.

Success Stories


Grupo Corporativo Perez

Portfolio of Customers

▪ Grupo Corporativo Perez, a family group with investments in different lines of business, managed to transform its accounting department by combining the skills and tools of Grupo Insignia, transitioning from an accounting structure based on a Legacy system to SAP Business One, implementing accounting controls and processes of international standard.

▪ By outsourcing its accounting department to Insignia, the Group achieved significant savings combined with more robust accounting integrity, with a frequent daily posting.
▪ Finally, all the information of the different companies is consolidated in our Insignia BI tool, incorporating automation of automatic accounting eliminations, thus creating the possibility of seeing, at any time, the group's consolidated financial statements, including even companies that are not in SAP but in other accounting systems.

▪ The accounting closing time was reduced by 25%, and thanks to this combination of tools and service, the Company has evolved to be able to make decisions on data quickly.

Client Portfolio where Accounting has been implemented


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